The influence of hi-tech and social media can cause insecurity to a person. The existence of Chatbot has leveraged many people’s lifestyles by providing prompt instructions for the user to follow. This action will be associated with Instagram since that is the current trend in that time. Some people are willing to do anything in order to become well-known. The Chatbot named Betty will guide Felicia with ways of being famous.
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Adobe After Effects and Premiere
Placing the viewer as a first person who is on a slow ride to enjoy these dreamy scenes.
Cinema 4D, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere
‘Shopdash’ is a virtual reality game through the invention of new spectacles called Luminosity 2.0. This device allows people to play game in real time.
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Adobe After Effects and Premiere
Location: Rancho Palos Verdes
Adobe After Effects and Premiere